This past weekend I took an amazing photography class, with the ever talented Alessandra Cave, at The Makerie Retreat. The goal of the class was to push your comfort zone with your camera. Get the camera out of the auto setting and well, experiment.
I'm a big fan of Alessandra's work creating photos with a mystical, magical feel--Lots of light, sun flare and bokeh. All techniques I dream of becoming more proficient at. I believe the light is what calls to me in photography. Maybe that's universal, I don't know.
What I do know is that I can be overwhelmed by the beauty of the afternoon light. That must mean something. Right?
Throughout the class we were encouraged to use each other as the subjects. To shoot numerous photos using all types of different camera settings. And, to find images to photograph that represented our experience thoughout the weekend.
Imagine for a moment though, a room full of people who are much more comfortable behind the camera than in front of it. Yeah...
So, we ended up with alot of this.
And, this.
And photos of our shoes. And yarn, of course. Oh, and hoopers!
I brought my hula hoops to try some action shots with the super-secret-motive of getting more people hula evil plan..ha.ha.ha.
It worked!
You should have seen all the hooping creatives twirling around the park. Plus lots of laughing!
All in the name of creating and learning and expanding and trying something new.
So there you have it.
The weekend itself was full of inspiring people, many intriguing classes and creative whim happening at all times. If you've ever thought of doing something for yourself creatively, take a look at The Makerie.
Plus, you get to meet all types of incredible people and maybe, just maybe, you find someone who happens to love Xanadu as much as you.
Just a thought.
Happy Monday to you all.
May the light find you today.