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Tuesday, April 09, 2013


Michelle DuncanW

Love this! Ever since meeting you at Squam last summer I've loved reading your blog posts and seeing your Instagram pics. Seeing change in others inspires us to follow the changes that are calling our names as well. I completely understand that need for privacy, too. Know that I love hearing about what you are intersted in and doing- it not only makes me smile, but inspires me as well. Really- even though we only spent five days together in the woods, I think of you often and you motivate me to live my own life more fully. Thank you for sharing- it is a contribution to others that means a lot!!
P.S. I've been curious about Crossfit but have been too shy about trying it, so I'd love to hear about it! Of course, 6 months pregnant is not the time to think about these things, but maybe after baby comes and I have energy again I might try it!


great post! i was so excited to see you on instagram today ready for your WOD. I am 9 months into crossfit and love it. i was overweight after my pregnancies and through my journey i have found that working out and eating healthy make me such a happier person. i am finding a passion in helping and motivating others to do the same.

so glad i found your blog and excited to see you how you blossom this spring!


Here is to kicking boundaries to the curb Enchanted Mama! Who cares!?!? Those that know and love you want to hear about anything that is wonderfully inspiring in your life! Keep blogging... keep inspiring... keep changing. We all love it. I need to grab hold of "change" myself and keep moving!


That's very exciting! You're a wonderful writer and I'm sure it will feel great to share freely. How liberating! And thank you for mentioning Crossfit! At 5 months post-partum I am really feeling the need to get back to my old self and was trying to figure out how the heck I would do it. Had forgotten about Crossfit, and this will get me in shape with less time at gym. See, you never know when these sort of posts will ignite a spark for someone :).


This is wonderful, Kellen.

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